

How to do Seiza with Yumi and Ya.

How to sit upright with bow and arrow.

Seiza is a traditional Japanese way of sitting.

What to prepare.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Bow and arrows, if available.

This section explains how to Seiza with bow and arrow.

Toriyumi posture.
At this time, keep the arrow and bow at the same angle.

Move the right foot back ½ foot.

I will sit back down.
Again, practice while checking in the mirror to ensure that the arrow and bow are not misaligned.

It is beautiful that the bow and arrow are at the same height when sitting.
Be careful of the angle of the arrow.

It is not beautiful if the bow and arrow are not aligned like this when you sit down.

How to do Seiza with Yumi and Ya.

How to sit upright with bow and arrow. Seiza is a traditional Japanese way of sitting. What to prepare. Wear comfortable clothing. Bow and a...