

How to do Seiza with Yumi and Ya.

How to sit upright with bow and arrow.

Seiza is a traditional Japanese way of sitting.

What to prepare.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Bow and arrows, if available.

This section explains how to Seiza with bow and arrow.

Toriyumi posture.
At this time, keep the arrow and bow at the same angle.

Move the right foot back ½ foot.

I will sit back down.
Again, practice while checking in the mirror to ensure that the arrow and bow are not misaligned.

It is beautiful that the bow and arrow are at the same height when sitting.
Be careful of the angle of the arrow.

It is not beautiful if the bow and arrow are not aligned like this when you sit down.


How to do Suriashi.

 This section describes the Suriashi method used in the martial arts.

What to prepare


Wear comfortable clothing.

Let me explain how to practice Suriashi.

The hips should not move when doing suriashi.

It is important to be aware of your breathing.
Inhale as you step out with your left leg.
When the left leg is out, exhale.

Next, inhale as you align the right foot with the left foot.
Exhale when the feet are aligned.

Inhale as you put your right foot out.
Then exhale as you take a step forward, and inhale as you bring your left foot together.

By matching breathing and movement, you can move naturally in a constant rhythm.
It is similar to the idea of Zen.

If it collapses, how does it work?

This is often the case with this forward leaning posture.
It is not beautiful.

Posture when conscious of breathing and body position.

The beauty is different.
I received a comment on youtube that it looks like a moonwalk.
But don't force it, for example if you can't do it well because of your body.
Enjoy it as much as you can.
It is good to take a video of yourself doing it so you can see it objectively.

Thank you for reading to the end.


How to take off zori.

How to take off zori.

In Japan, people do not enter houses with their shoes on.
The same goes for the dojo.

What to prepare.

Shoes or Zori

This section explains how to beautifully remove your zori and shoes.

In Japan, there is a place called "Entrance.
That is where you take off your shoes.

Kyudo's placematics. The place where Zori is taken off.

Shoes and sandals are removed in this orientation.
Irihune, meaning "for the ship to enter," is said.

Kyudo's placematics. The place where Zori is taken off.

Sit like this.
Then, hold your sandals or shoes.
Most Japanese people hold their shoes and sandals without sitting down, so sitting down and holding them makes their beauty stand out more.

Kyudo's placemanship. The part where the Zori, which has been taken off, is held in the hand and adjusted. The movements of the martial arts.

If you have a shoe box for shoes or slippers, put them here.
This is called Getabako in Japanese.

Kyudo's placemanship. A shoe box for Zori. The movements of the martial arts.

If there is no Getabako.
Orient the shoes or Zori in this way.
It is called Defune in Japanese because it resembles a ship leaving.

Kyudo's placemanship. A picture of Zori that has been taken off and is being adjusted. The proper etiquette of Kyudo by a Kyudo master.

It is more beautiful if they are placed in a corner, out of the way.
Make sure that others will not have difficulty removing their shoes or Zori.

Not all Japanese do it.
But those who have beautiful manners do.
People who can do beautiful manners look attractive to me.

Thank you for reading to the end.


How to practice at Makiwara.

How to practice in Makiwara where you can focus on Sya.

What to prepare.


Yumi and Ya

Dogi and Hakama and Obi

Please wear your Dogi when practicing at Makiwara.
If you don't have one, please wear clothes that don't have buttons or other things to catch on.

An important point about practicing with Makiwara.

When you are ready to practice, measure the distance to Makiwara.
The distance is shown in the picture below.

The position of the Yumi on the back.
The distance to Akiwara can be dangerous whether it is far or close.
Please observe this distance.

Now let's do the Toriyumi posture.
From here, I will carefully perform Sya.

Once the face is turned toward the makiwara, do ashibumi.

Loosen the three fingers holding the tip of the Yumi to the floor.
The Yumi will then rotate to the proper position.

Lift the Yumi as it is.
Thus, Tsuru comes before you.

If Yatsugae can be done smoothly, the whole looks beautiful.

Move the lower tip of the Yumi to your left knee.

Once the Yumi is secured, move the right hand to the hip.

Then do Torikake.
Click on this link to learn how to do Torikake.

Then, Tenouchi is prepared.
To learn how to do Tenouchi, click this link.

Habiki and then turn to face Makiwara.

Uchiokoshi. Perform each movement carefully.

Draw the bow firmly.
Keep Kai for 5 seconds.

Zanshin is also carefully performed.
It calms the mind.

At this time, be aware of symmetry.

Be sure to place Yumi when removing Ya.
If you use Yumaki to hold Yumi in place, Yumi will not fall over.

When pulling out Ya, hold Makiwara like this with your hand and pull it out.
It is dangerous if the makiwara moves or falls.
It is also dangerous if the makiwara moves or falls over.

When you are done, take your tools and hand them over to the next person.

Thank you for reading to the end.


Kyudo for beginners. How to wear Muneate.

 For beginners in Kyudo, how to wear the Muneate.

What to prepare.

Dogi, Muneate, Hakama

An important point on how to wear Muneate.

Muneate is not something that you have to wear.
I don't usually wear it.

Before wearing the Muneate, always wear the Dogi carefully.

I'm going to put on the Muneate, please use the string Muneate, not the rubber Muneate.
Rubber is dangerous because it gets caught and stretched.

Muneate wears from the right.

Fix the left side.
Make sure it fits tightly so that it is not loose.

Make sure that there is no space between your chest and the Muneate.

If it is loose, the Tsuru will get caught in the Muneate and be dangerous.
The chest and Muneate should be close together.

Let's look at it from the back.
This is what the back looks like.

If the Muneate is worn in the middle of the chest, the Tsuru may get caught in the left knot.

Pull it to the left so that the knot is behind you.
This way, Tsuru will not get caught in the Muneate.

Muneate should be fitted especially on the top.
Tsuru will pass through there.

There should be no cracks on the left.

When you wear Muneate, it is difficult for you to notice if your dogi is in disarray.
This is completed with the Dogi firmly in place.

It's done.

Thank you for reading to the end.
Please print this out and refer to it when you are in an environment where you cannot watch the video.

How to do Seiza with Yumi and Ya.

How to sit upright with bow and arrow. Seiza is a traditional Japanese way of sitting. What to prepare. Wear comfortable clothing. Bow and a...